Essex County Council Regular Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Closed Meeting: 6:15 PM; Regular Meeting: 7:00 PM

Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request. Contact Clerk’s Office, [email protected], 519-776-6441 extension 1335

There is a Closed Meeting scheduled for 6:15 p.m.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to Section 239 (2)(h)

    • information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown Corporation of any of them.

October 7, 2020 Essex County Council Regular Meeting Minutes

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the October 7, 2020 Regular Meeting of Essex County Council be adopted as presented.

Dan Green, Senior Manager, Transportation and Graydon Botsford, Project Engineer, MTO will discuss the widening and safety enhancements to Highway 3 for Phase 3 Contract 2. (east of CR 23 to east of CR 34 for a distance of 15 km).

  • Recommendation:

    That the correspondence listed on the regular agenda for October 21, 2020, be received and any noted action approved. 

October 6, 2020 - Update to Class Action Order issued to all owners and operators of agricultural farms in Windsor and Essex County.

Resolution - Seeking support of all Ontario Municipalities to pass their draft resolution concerning changes to Assessment Methodologies for Aggregate Resource Properties.

Resolution RE Development Approval Requirements for Landfills - (Bill 197)

Resolution RE Supporting City of Windsor resolution requesting Federal Government to pass legislation to ensure an ecosystem for a healthy news media to serve all Canadians.

Letter to Premier Doug Ford RE Unauthorized Car Rally and OPP Intervention 

Resolution RE Requesting the Provincial Government create a governing body for Cannabis Production.

Resolution RE Requesting the Federal Government to amend legislation governing Cannabis Grow Operations.

Resolution RE Reform to the Municipal Insurance Policy

Resolution RE Supporting COVID -19 Funding from Provincial and Federal Governments for Community Groups and Service Clubs.

Resolution RE Supporting resolution of Municipality of Tweed requesting amendments to legislation for Cannabis Grow Facilities.

Resolution RE Requesting Provincial Government to allow capital expenditures under the Safe Restart Agreement.

Thank you card for donation and compassion shown during her time of sorrow.

  • Recommendation:

September 21, 2020 - Resolution RE AODA Website Compliance Extension Request.

The Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee has provided correspondence containing comments for County Council's consideration regarding this resolution.  

  • Recommendation:

    That Essex County Council [support], [not support], [note and file] the resolution from the Town of Amherstburg, requesting the Province to grant an extension to the AODA website compliance deadline of January 1, 2021.

  • Recommendation:

    That Essex County Council [support], [not support], [note and file] the request of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee to oppose any extension to the AODA Website Compliance deadline of January 1, 2021.

There are no items for the Consent Agenda for October 21, 2020.

September 15, 2020 EWSWA Board Meeting Minutes. Aldo DiCarlo, Vice-Chair

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the September 15, 2020 Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority meeting be received.

Report number 2020-1021-R029-ISD-JM, County Road 42 – Lands with One (1) Foot Reserve, dated October 21, 2020 from Jane Mustac, Director of Infrastructure Services Department/County Engineer

  • Recommendation:

    That County Council adopt By-Law 2020-41 to amend By-Law 50-2019, with the exclusions as identified.

Report number 2020-1021-ISD-R030-JM Road User Agreement - Pleasant Valley Campground, dated October 21, 2020 from Jane Mustac, Director of Infrastructure Services Department/County Engineer.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-Law 2020-42 be adopted for the execution of a Road User Agreement with the estate of Micheal N. Henderson (operating as Pleasant Valley Campground) for the construction of a private sewer forcemain within the County Road 20 right of way.

Report number 2020-1021-FIN-R018-SZ, Tax Rate Reduction for Amherstburg Affordable Housing Development, dated October 21, 2020 from Sandra Zwiers, Director of Financial Services Department/Treasurer

  • Recommendation:

    That County Council receive this report for information and consider adoption of By-law 2020-43, authorizing a single residential tax rate be applied to calculate the County property taxes for the affordable housing development located at 182 Pickering Dive in the Town of Amherstburg.

Report number 2020-1021-CCS-R03-RT, COVID-19 Information Update, dated October 21, 2020 from Renée Trombley, Manager, Communications and Organizational Development

  • Recommendation:

    That Report number 2020-1021-CCS-R03-RT, COVID-19 Information Update be received by Council as information.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law(s) 2020-41 through 2020-44, having been read a first, second and third time, be finally passed and enacted. 

Being a By-law to Amend By-law Number 50-2019, Being a By-law to Establish a 0.3 Metre (1 Foot Reserve) Along County Road 42.

A By-Law authorizing the execution of a Road User Agreement with the Estate of Micheal N. Henderson, operating as Pleasant Valley Campground ("Pleasant Valley")

Being a By-law to Authorize a Single Residential Tax Rate for County Tax Purposes for the Municipal Capital Facility for Affordable Housing at 182 Pickering Drive, in the Town of Amherstburg.

Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex for October 21, 2020.

No Item Selected