Sandra Zwiers outlined the tax policy recommendations for the 2023 taxation year. The tax policy had been developed through collaboration with treasurer’s and tax collector's in all seven local tier municipalities.
Ms. Zwiers informed Council that the Ministry of Finance had not announced when the next property value reassessment would begin, therefore the report and recommendations provided were based on property values at January 1, 2016.
Ms. Zwiers notified Council that a follow up report would be provided once information pertaining to the reassessment cycle and phase in plans became available.
Ms. Zwiers explained the process that was followed to arrive at the recommendations including various tax tools available to municipalities and the rationale behind decisions made to implement or not implement them at this time.
Discussion included discounts in place for excess or vacant commercial or industrial land. Ms. Zwiers explained that the regional group was committed to continuing to review tax discounts and potential for adjustments would be better understood once information was released from the Province regarding the reassessment cycle and phase in.
Ms. Zwiers shared that there was an increase in residents applying for tax assistance through the Low-Income Seniors and Low-Income People with Disabilities By-Law 2021-05 and recommended that by-law remain in place with no changes.
Ms. Zwiers requested that based on information received after the publishing of the agenda, that Council amend the recommendation to afford Administration time to review the parameters of the Essex County Charity Rebate program with the regional group.