Essex County Council Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Time:
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
360 Fairview Avenue West
Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6
  • Michael Akpata, Deputy Mayor - Town of LaSalle
  • Joe Bachetti, Deputy Warden / Deputy Mayor - Town of Tecumseh
  • Tracey Bailey, Mayor - Municipality of Lakeshore
  • Sherry Bondy, Mayor - Town of Essex
  • Kimberly DeYong, Deputy Mayor - Town of Kingsville
  • Chris Gibb, Deputy Mayor - Town of Amherstburg
  • Hilda MacDonald, Warden / Mayor - Municipality of Leamington
  • Gary McNamara, Mayor - Town of Tecumseh
  • Crystal Meloche, Mayor - Town of LaSalle
  • Michael Prue, Mayor - Town of Amherstburg
  • Dennis Rogers, Mayor - Town of Kingsville
  • Rob Shepley, Deputy Mayor - Town of Essex
  • Larry Verbeke, Deputy Mayor - Municipality of Leamington
  • Kirk Walstedt, Deputy Mayor - Municipality of Lakeshore
  • Mary Birch, Interim CAO & Director, Legislative and Community Services/Clerk
  • Allan Botham, Director, Infrastructure & Planning Services
  • Jayne Brooks Keller, Administrator - Sun Parlor Home
  • Adam Craig, CEO and Chief Librarian - Essex County Library
  • Kristie Cronin, Director of Human Resources
  • Katherine Hebert, Deputy Clerk
  • Bruce Krauter, Chief, Essex Windsor Emergency Medical Services
  • Don McArthur, Manager, Communication and Organizational Development
  • David Sundin, County Solicitor
  • Crystal Sylvestre, Administrative Assistant, Legislative and Community Services
  • Sandra Zwiers, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer

There was no Closed Meeting scheduled for February 1, 2023.

We begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Ojibway, Odawa and Potawatomie Peoples.

To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude to those whose territory you reside on, and a way of honouring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.

We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all the Original Peoples of Turtle Island.

Warden MacDonald and all members of Council attended the meeting at the Essex County Civic Centre, Council Chambers.

Warden MacDonald welcomed Council, administration and the viewing public to the meeting. The Warden spoke to February first being the first day of Black History Month, which was marked with pride in Essex County.

The Warden shared that Essex County has a long, rich Black history dating back to the 18th century, when free Black Loyalists and enslaved Africans arrived in Essex County. Followed by African Americans who escaped slavery and free people of colour, who made the region a critical link in the Underground Railroad. Thousands settled in Essex County and Windsor pursuing freedom, opportunity and dreams of a better future.

The Warden acknowledged the challenges of discrimination and segregation, and highlighted the important contributions made to day-to-day life in our region, province and country.

The Warden closed by thanking those who are organizing events to celebrate Black History Month and encouraged all to attend the wide variety of events and exhibits available throughout the County.

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest raised.

Minutes of the January 18, 2023 Regular Meeting of Essex County Council. 

  • 016-2023
    Moved ByGary McNamara
    Seconded ByCrystal Meloche

    That the minutes of the January 18, 2023 Regular Meeting of Essex County Council be adopted as presented.

    In Favour (14)Tracey Bailey, Larry Verbeke, Michael Prue, Chris Gibb, Sherry Bondy, Rob Shepley, Dennis Rogers, Kimberly DeYong, Kirk Walstedt, Michael Akpata, Crystal Meloche, Hilda MacDonald, Gary McNamara, and Joe Bachetti

There were no delegations scheduled for February 1, 2023.

  • 017-2023
    Moved ByDennis Rogers
    Seconded ByMichael Prue

    That the correspondence listed on the Regular Agenda for February 1, 2023, be received and any noted action approved. 

    In Favour (14)Tracey Bailey, Larry Verbeke, Michael Prue, Chris Gibb, Sherry Bondy, Rob Shepley, Dennis Rogers, Kimberly DeYong, Kirk Walstedt, Michael Akpata, Crystal Meloche, Hilda MacDonald, Gary McNamara, and Joe Bachetti

Monthly Newsletter - January 2023

January 25, 2023 - Resolution RE The Great Lakes Shoreline Right of Passage Act - Bill 118.

January 25, 2023 - Violence Against Women

January 25, 2023 - Resolution RE School Board Elections Compensation for Municipal Resources

Warden MacDonald suggested that municipalities may wish to consider working together through various associations to address this issue with the Province, prior to the next Municipal election.

January 24, 2023 - Bill 42, Gender Affirming Healthcare Act

January 20, 2023 - Letter to the Hon. Lisa S. Thompson, Minister of  Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs RE Drainage Bills

  • 018-2023
    Moved ByGary McNamara
    Seconded BySherry Bondy

    That Essex County Council receive the resolution from the Town of Essex requesting that residents be allowed to claim drainage bills on their income tax.

    In Favour (14)Tracey Bailey, Larry Verbeke, Michael Prue, Chris Gibb, Sherry Bondy, Rob Shepley, Dennis Rogers, Kimberly DeYong, Kirk Walstedt, Michael Akpata, Crystal Meloche, Hilda MacDonald, Gary McNamara, and Joe Bachetti

There were no Consent Agenda items for February 1, 2023.

Report number 2023-0201-FIN-R02-SZ, 2023 Tax Policy Discussion and Recommendations, dated February 1, 2023, from Sandra Zwiers, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer

Sandra Zwiers outlined the tax policy recommendations for the 2023 taxation year. The tax policy had been developed through collaboration with treasurer’s and tax collector's in all seven local tier municipalities.

Ms. Zwiers informed Council that the Ministry of Finance had not announced when the next property value reassessment would begin, therefore the report and recommendations provided were based on property values at January 1, 2016.

Ms. Zwiers notified Council that a follow up report would be provided once information pertaining to the reassessment cycle and phase in plans became available.

Ms. Zwiers explained the process that was followed to arrive at the recommendations including various tax tools available to municipalities and the rationale behind decisions made to implement or not implement them at this time.

Discussion included discounts in place for excess or vacant commercial or industrial land. Ms. Zwiers explained that the regional group was committed to continuing to review tax discounts and potential for adjustments would be better understood once information was released from the Province regarding the reassessment cycle and phase in.

Ms. Zwiers shared that there was an increase in residents applying for tax assistance through the  Low-Income Seniors and Low-Income People with Disabilities  By-Law 2021-05 and recommended that by-law remain in place with no changes.

Ms. Zwiers requested that based on information received after the publishing of the agenda, that Council amend the recommendation to afford Administration time to review the parameters of the Essex County Charity Rebate program with the regional group.

  • 019-2023
    Moved ByJoe Bachetti
    Seconded ByRob Shepley

    That Essex County Council adopt the tax ratios as set out in By-law 2023-04 for the 2023 taxation year;

    And further that the reductions for sub-classes for excess commercial, excess industrial and vacant industrial land be set at 30%, 35% and 35% respectively;

    And further that the Essex County Tax Assistance Program for Low-Income Seniors and Low-Income Persons with Disabilities established under By-law 04-2004 and amended under By-law 2021-05 continue with no amendments;

    And further that the Essex County Charity Tax Rebate Program established under By-law 16-2007 be referred to Administration for further review.

    In Favour (14)Tracey Bailey, Larry Verbeke, Michael Prue, Chris Gibb, Sherry Bondy, Rob Shepley, Dennis Rogers, Kimberly DeYong, Kirk Walstedt, Michael Akpata, Crystal Meloche, Hilda MacDonald, Gary McNamara, and Joe Bachetti

Report number 2023-0201-FIN-R03-SZ, 2022 Asset Management Plan (AMP) Update, dated February 1, 2023, from Sandra Zwiers, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer

Sandra Zwiers introduced the report to Council and acknowledged the collaborative effort of several County Departments to develop the report presented.

Ms. Zwiers explained that many municipalities employ consultants to complete an Asset Management Plan (AMP) update; however, the County decided to employ the expertise of County staff to update the AMP.  The benefits of approaching the update in this fashion were two-fold; first, the County was able to save the cost of hiring a consultant and secondly, it provided an opportunity allowed staff to learn from their own data, gain a greater depth of understanding in the Asset Management process, and find efficiencies that could be integrated into the decision-making process.

Heidi McLeod, Deputy Treasurer, provided a presentation to Council that outlined the legislated deadlines for the development of the AMP ending in 2025 to include all assets and proposed levels of service required.

Ms. McLeod further shared with Council an overview of the asset portfolio, the condition of assets, the forecasted life of each segment and the estimated costs of each. Ms. McLeod also explained to Council the funding requirements and the estimated shortfall in funding.

Discussion included the impacts of inflation on the estimated costs presented.  Ms. Zwiers explained that the County intended to balance risk through monitoring the asset quality and employing maintenance provisions to extend the lives of assets wherever possible.

  • 020-2023
    Moved ByKimberly DeYong
    Seconded ByCrystal Meloche

    That Essex County Council approve the County of Essex Asset Management Plan 2022.

    In Favour (14)Tracey Bailey, Larry Verbeke, Michael Prue, Chris Gibb, Sherry Bondy, Rob Shepley, Dennis Rogers, Kimberly DeYong, Kirk Walstedt, Michael Akpata, Crystal Meloche, Hilda MacDonald, Gary McNamara, and Joe Bachetti

Gary McNamara brought forward concerns regarding the pending Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) reassessment and the impacts to property taxation. Mr. McNamara asked Sandra Zwiers for an update on the timeline for reassessment.

Sandra Zwiers, County Director of Financial Services/Treasurer and Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA) President assured Mr. McNamara that the MFOA had written a letter to the Province requesting timelines. She indicated that if the Province was silent, the reassessment valuation date would begin January 1, 2023 with a roll out for the 2025 taxation year.

Ms. Zwiers further shared that ensuring MPAC has enough time to properly review and implement a reassessment will benefit all municipalities.

  • 021-2023
    Moved ByLarry Verbeke
    Seconded ByChris Gibb

    That By-laws 2023-04 and 2023-05, having been read a first, second and third time, be finally passed and enacted. 

    In Favour (14)Tracey Bailey, Larry Verbeke, Michael Prue, Chris Gibb, Sherry Bondy, Rob Shepley, Dennis Rogers, Kimberly DeYong, Kirk Walstedt, Michael Akpata, Crystal Meloche, Hilda MacDonald, Gary McNamara, and Joe Bachetti

There were no Notices of Motion for February 1, 2023.

  • 022-2023
    Moved ByRob Shepley
    Seconded ByKirk Walstedt

    That the Essex County Council meeting for February 1, 2023 be adjourned at 7:26PM
