Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting AgendaMeeting #:Date:Thursday, February 09, 2023Meeting Time: 5:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Location:Essex County Civic Centre, Room E360 Fairview Avenue West, Upper FloorEssex Ontario N8M3G41.Call to Order The Manager, Records and Accessibility/Deputy Clerk will call the meeting to order, and act as the Chairperson until the conclusion of the election of a Chair and Vice Chair.2.Land Acknowledgement Statement We begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Ojibway, Odawa and Potawatomie Peoples.To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude to those whose territory you reside on, and a way of honouring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all the Original Peoples of Turtle Island.3.Recording of Attendance 4.Introduction of Committee Members and Administration ECAAC Members - 2023-2026 Debbie Alexander Sherry Bondy Sherri Currie Rachel Jewell Diana Kirkbride Julie Miles Dennis Sanson Administration - Committee Liaisons Crystal Sylvestre Katherine Hebert 5.Election of the Chair and Vice Chair for 2023 The procedure to be followed for the election of the Chair and Vice Chair will be as follows: Call for nominations (No seconder required.) Confirmation of Nominees (Will you stand?) Election by ballot. (If required) Confirmation of elected individual by resolution of the ECAAC 5.1Role of Chair Election procedure administered by the Manager, Records and Accessibility/Deputy Clerk.That [Name] be appointed as Chair of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee for the year 2023.5.2Role of Vice Chair Election procedure administered by the Manager, Records and Accessibility/Deputy Clerk.That [Name] be appointed as Vice Chair of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee for the year 2023.6.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 7.Adoption of the Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - ECAAC Meeting_Oct13_2022_Final_UA.pdfEssex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2022.That the minutes of the October 13, 2022 meeting of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be adopted as presented.8.Delegations and Presentations There are no delegations scheduled for February 9, 2023.9.Communications That the items listed under Communications, in the ECAAC agenda for February 9, 2023 be received, and any noted action taken.9.1Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) AODA Toolbox Latest Edition and Archives Join the AODA Toolbox Mailing List9.2Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance AODA Alliance - What's New in Our Program? 9.3Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility Latest News Releases and Program Information from the OMSAA9.4AODA 4th Legislative Update News and Updates9.5Inclusion Canada Championing Inclusion: Let’s Make Budget 2023 Work for People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families9.6Disability Scoop Magazine Latest News Online9.7Abilities Magazine Winter 2022 Edition Online10.Orientation That the items listed under item 10. Orientation, of the February 9, 2023 ECAAC agenda be received as information. 10.1ECAAC Terms of Reference Terms of Reference for the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee - As Approved by Essex County Council, June 6, 200710.2County of Essex, Committee and Board Meeting Stipends 1.2023 Committee Meeting Remuneration Summary_UA.pdfAttached is an overview of Committee/Board Meeting Stipends, Mileage Policy and Outline of Payment of Remuneration for County Council and Committees10.3County of Essex Council - Code of Conduct As approved by Essex County Council on 2019-02-20 By-law 49-2016, A By-law to Establish a Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Local Boards and Committee Members Code of Conduct - Council, Local Boards and Committee Members 10.4County of Essex - Procedure By-law 1.2022-31 Procedural By-law Amendment_UA.pdfBy-law Number 2022-31, A By-law to Provide Rules Governing the Order and Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex10.5County of Essex Accessibility Policies Accommodation Policy Accessible Customer Service Policy Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy 10.6Social Media 1.ECAAC Facebook Terms of Use.pdfThe ECAAC social media accounts are: ECAAC Facebook - EssexCountyAccessibility ECAAC Twitter - @EssexCountyAAC 10.7Ontario Provincial Guidelines How to serve on a municipal accessibility advisory committee: A guide to help members of municipal accessibility advisory committees carry out their responsibilities, engage with their municipal government and work well as a team.10.8Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2023-2027 County of Essex, Multi-Year Accessibility Plan10.9County of Essex - General Overview of the County of Essex services - Council and Departmental Summary11.Unfinished Business There are no items of unfinished business to consider.12.New Business 12.1ECAAC 2023 Meeting Schedule 1.2023 Meeting Schedule ECAAC_UA.pdfAttached as information.That the 2023 ECAAC proposed meeting schedule be received.12.22023 ECAAC Initiatives for 2023 Roundtable and brainstorming to set the ECAAC Initiatives and work plan for 2023.13.Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the ECAAC is scheduled for March 9, 2023 at 5:00PM. 14.Adjournment That the February 9, 2023 meeting of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be adjourned at [TIME] PM.No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.2023 Meeting Schedule ECAAC_UA.pdf1.ECAAC Facebook Terms of Use.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - ECAAC Meeting_Oct13_2022_Final_UA.pdf1.2023 Committee Meeting Remuneration Summary_UA.pdf1.2022-31 Procedural By-law Amendment_UA.pdf