Essex County Council Special Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
360 Fairview Avenue West
Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6
519-776-6441, ext. 1335

Inaugural Meeting of Essex County Council

Procession of members of County Council in Council Chambers.

Mary Birch, Director of Council and Community Services/Clerk

Performed by the Essex Community Concert Band

  • Recommendation:

The Honourable Mr. Justice George W. King will have members of Essex County Council take their Declaration of Office.

The Clerk will outline the procedure to be followed for electing the County Warden in acccordance with Section 1 of By-law #41-2018, being a by-law to provide rules governing the order and proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex.

Candidates for the Office of County Warden will be determined by roll call by the Clerk at which time each member will indicate his/her intention to stand for the Office of County Warden.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Clerk be authorized to appoint two (2) members of County Council to act as scrutineers for the election of the County Warden.

    1. ____________________

    2. ____________________

The ballots will be distributed to and collected from all members of County Council by the scrutineers.  The first candidate to obtain a simple majority will be declared the County Warden by the Clerk.

  • Recommendation:

    That _________________ is hereby elected to the office of the Warden of the County of Essex for the term commencing December 2018 and ending November 2022 and further that the election of Warden ________________     be declared unanimous.

Robert Maisonville, Chief Administrative Officer will provide introductions of:

  • Past Wardens
  • Federal Members of Parliament
  • Provincial Members of Parliament, and
  • Municipal dignitaries

in attendance during the counting of the ballots for the County Warden.

Entertainment will be provided by members of the Essex Community Concert Band during the counting of the ballots for the County Warden.

In accordance with Section 1.3.10 of By-law #41-2018, it is the stated wish of County Council that the results of any and all ballots used in the election of the County Warden not be disclosed by those privy to such information.

  • Recommendation:

    That _________________ is hereby elected to the office of the Warden of the County of Essex for the term commencing December 2018 and ending November 2022 and further that the election of Warden ________________ be declared unanimous.

In accordance with Section 1.3.9 of By-law #41-2018, a motion is required to destroy all ballots following the election of the County Warden.

  • Recommendation:

    That all ballots in regard to the election of the County Warden be destroyed.

To be administered to the County Warden by the Honourable Mr. Justice George W. King.

To be presented to the County Warden by the Clerk.

To be presented to the County Warden by the Past County Warden.

In accordance with Section 1.3.12 of By-law #41-2018, the Election of the Acting Warden, hereinafter referred to as the Deputy Warden, will be conducted following the same procedure as the election of the County Warden.  The ballot(s) will be distributed to and collected from all members of the County Council by the scrutineers.  The first candidate to obtain a simple majority will be declared the Deputy Warden by the Clerk.

Entertainment will be provided by the Essex Community Concert Band during the counting of the ballots for the Deputy Warden.

  • Recommendation:

    That all ballots in regard to the election of the Deputy Warden be destroyed.

  • Recommendation:

    That  __________________ is hereby elected to the office of the Deputy Warden of the County of Essex for the term commencing December 2018 and ending November 2022 and further that the election of County Deputy Warden __________________ be declared unanimous.

To be administered to the County Deputy Warden by the Honourable Mr. Justice George W. King. 

  • Recommendation:

    That any ballot containing more or less than four names shall be considered spoiled.

Required if more than four (4) nominations.

  • Recommendation:

    That the County Warden be authorized to appoint two (2) members from those not nominated for election to the Striking Committee, to act as scrutineers.

    1. _______________________

    2. _______________________

If more than four (4) members are nominated, the ballot will be distributed to and collected from all members of County Council by the scrutineers.  The four candidates polling the highest number of votes will be declared elected to the Striking Committee by County Warden.

Entertainment will be provided by the Essex Community Concert Band during the counting of the ballots for the Striking Committee.

  • Recommendation:

    That all ballots in regard to the election of the Striking Committee by destroyed.

The County Warden will ask the members assembled if there is any business or matter which should be dealt with at that time, for the good of the County.  The first regular meeting of County Council is scheduled for December 19, 2018.

Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex.
(Inaugural Meeting - December 12, 2018)

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law Number 44-2018 having been read a first, second and third time, be finally passed and enacted. 


Everyone is invited to attend the Warden's Reception immediately following the adjournment.