Discussion took place regarding previous ECAAC initiatives prior to and during pandemic restrictions including:
- Advocacy: Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP): This report includes a list of accessibility initiatives developed through consultation with stakeholders and County departments to achieve accessibility goals. Discussion included the ongoing design features of the Civic Centre renovations.
- Advocacy: The ECAAC and local advisory committees collaborated on the development of a flag that was raised at all municipal offices to highlight and bring awareness to the start of National AccessAbility Week.
- Participation: WE Check the Trails: A collaborative initiative between Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA), County Wide Active Transportation Systems (CWATS) and the ECAAC that provided for the independent virtual gathering of information through an online platform to report accessibility concerns in the trail systems throughout the County. Monthly reports were generated and reviewed by the ECAAC.
- Participation: The ECAAC hosted a walk in a newly developed community pathway to highlight the benefits of accessible design.
- Education: The ECAAC hosted an Accessibility Workshop that included speakers and information sessions in an in-person format.
- Education: The ECAAC hosted a virtual Speaker’s Forum with Julie Sawchuk and Michael Jacques to learn of their lived experiences; is event was open to the public via Zoom.
Brainstorming ideas for the coming term included:
- Advocacy: Continue and enhance the MYAP goals.
- Advocacy: Connect with established businesses about built environments and accessible customer service.
- Advocacy: Continue to participate in National AccessAbility Week flag raising activities.
- Participation: Maintain and support events with community partners including:
- Local tier advisory committees
- Seniors groups
- Local club activities
- Participation: Continue the WE Check the Trails program.
- Education: Host a speaker’s event that includes accessibility subjects including invisible disabilities and mental health.
- Education: Encouraging the implementation of accessible spaces for off-path outdoor activities such as hunting and angling.
- Education: Attend planning meetings and openings of new public spaces to increase awareness of accessible amenities.
ECAAC would present their 2023 initiatives to Essex County Council as a delegation at a May meeting and then report back to Council at a December meeting.
ECAAC agreed to consider other options available to advance the committee objectives and develop a focused list at the March 2, 2023 meeting.