Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Essex County Civic Centre - Room B
360 Fairview Ave. W.
Upper Floor
N8M 1Y6
Committee Members:
  • Debbie Alexander
  • Christine Easterbrook, Chair
  • Brad Frenette
  • Gord Queen
  • Fern Walsh
  • Diana Kirkbride
  • Katherine Hebert
  • Renée Trombley

Renée Trombley called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.

It was noted that all members were in attendance with the exception of Diana Kirkbride. Ms. Trombley acknowledged ECAAC member Therese Lecuyer, who passed away last week. Therese was an active advocate for accessibility rights and awareness in our community and was a member of the committee for many years. She will be missed.

There were no conflicts of pecuniary interest declared.

These positions are elected annually. Nominations need not be seconded.

Ms. Trombley called for nominations for the position of Chair and Vice Chair. 

Mr. Frenette nominated Fern Walsh for the position of Chair. Ms. Walsh declared that she would decline the position of Chair.

Mr. Queen nominated Christine Easterbrook for the position of Chair. Ms. Easterbrook accepted the nomination of Chair.

Ms. Easterbook nominated Fern Walsh as the Vice Chair. Ms. Walsh accepted the nomination of Vice Chair.

There were no other nominations.

  • 1-2020
    Moved ByBrad Frenette
    Seconded ByGord Queen

    That Christine Easterbrook be acclaimed to the role of Chair and that Fern Walsh be acclaimed to the role of Vice Chair of the ECAAC for the year 2020.


There are no previous meeting minutes for adoption.

Scott Holland, Manager of Technical and Building Services, Infrastructure Services Department will present a verbal report regarding the renovation and design of the Essex County Civic Centre first floor (basement) bathrooms. He is seeking feedback on the project plans. 

Scott Holland provided a review of the renovation plans for the Civic Centre basement washrooms. He outlined the accessible stalls and the showers. He further noted that there is a universal washroom being installed as well, which will have an adult change table. 

Mr. Holland noted that the ECAAC will be consulted on the installation of fixtures, such as bars, dispensers and toilet paper holders, so that they are installed appropriately for optimal accessibility. 

Discussion took place with regard to a lift for the universal washroom. 

Discussion took place with regard to the communications items.

Particular attention was paid to item 7.5 the Rick Hansen Accessibility Certification information. It was noted that David Lepofsky commented on the certification stating that the process was not comprehensive and that he was not supportive of the program. 

Discussion took place regarding the building code and lower tier AACs' ability to make recommendations to property owners as it it relates to accessibility. It was noted that an accessibility rating system (such as is used by the Health Unit) could be misleading and quickly become out of date.

  • 2-2020
    Moved ByDebbie Alexander
    Seconded ByFern Walsh

    That communication items 7.1 through 7.8 be received as information.


Don't allow electric scooters on our roads, sidewalks and public places, because they endanger our safety and create new barriers to accessibility' - News Release

Mr. Queen noted the issue of municipalities expressing their support or opposition to the permitted use of electric scooters on sidewalks has been more prevalent locally.

Ms. Trombley advised that the City of WIndsor is participating in a trial of the program.

What you need to know about Ontario's accessibility laws. December 2019 Edition

Discussion took place with regard to the app that liaises between people in the disability community and participating full service gas stations. The app contacts the stations to ensure that assistance would be available for someone who requires assistance in obtaining fuel. Ms. Easterbrook noted that there were currently no local gas stations associated with the app. 

Ms. Walsh suggested that the ECAAC could write letters to local gas stations to raise their awareness to the app and the opportunity that it presents for them to be part of the network.

Ms. Easterbook expressed that this fits with the mandate of the committee. 

Ms. Trombley advised that it may be a case of the app developers not expanding the opportunity to other locations at this time. Further investigation may be required in order to connect the app with the gas stations. 

Discussion took place with regard to posting an memorial for Therese Lecuyer on the Facebook page. Ms. Trombley advised that she would ensure that was posted.

Ms. Alexander advised that she would share the information regarding Community Living activities for the upcoming year. She further noted that she would prepare a biography for posting as well.

Ms. Easterbrook expressed that she would also prepare a biography.

Discussion took place with regard to the promotion of the new Miracle League Park which just opened in the Riverside area of Windsor. They are looking for volunteers for their facility and events. 

  • 3-2020
    Moved ByGord Queen
    Seconded ByDebbie Alexander

    That an In-Memorium for deceased ECAAC member Therese Lecuyer be posted by administration. 


Ms. Easterbrook asked that the committee think about some 2020 initiatives that can be suggested at anytime for consideration. Some items raised by members were as follows:

  • Exploration of the Chrysler Greenway trails and provision of feedback regarding the accessibility issues that are encountered on these trails. 
    • It was noted that the committee could request a meeting with ERCA to discuss the matter.  
  • Request that accessibility considerations be discussed and considered as part of the municipal emergency planning operations. 
    • It was noted that the local municipalities use a system to warn residents in the event of an emergency. It was also noted that self-registration is required in most of these situations.
    • Ms. Trombley noted that she would reach out to the Communications Working Group to see what their municipalities are doing for this. 
  • A meeting of the region's AAC Chairs and Vice Chairs. 
    • It was noted that a meeting would be coordinated. 
  • Awareness campaign around emergency preparedness for those who need special consideration. (Power failures can be critical for those who need power for life supporting equipment.)  
  • E-scooters awareness campaign. 
    • Ms. Trombley advised that the ECAAC can write a letter expressing their concerns to County Council. 
  • Taxis overcharging for rides
    • Ms. Easterbrook advised Mr. Frenette that he could advocate on behalf of his household by writing a letter to the cab company in question. 

Ms. Easterbrook asked that if members have any further thoughts throughout the year, that they bring their ideas forward to the committee for consideration. 

  • 4-2020
    Moved ByGord Queen
    Seconded ByBrad Frenette

    that the ideas be explored for feasibility and reported back to the committee. 


Ms. Trombley advised the Committee about the changes to her role and the appointment of Katherine Hebert to the new role of Deputy Clerk. She advised that It will be the Deputy Clerk who is now the Accessibility Coordinator for the County. With this, she would step back from the administration of the ECAAC generally, but remain involved for any communications needs. 

It was noted that ERCA would like to touch base with the ECAAC again, at a future meeting to review some of their operations plans for upcoming projects. 


IT was noted that the ECAAC may want to schedule a tour of the Sun Parlor Home facility, to see the updates to the building since the last visit. 

Looking for attendees for AGM

Ms. Trombley advised that if any of the members are interested in participating in this AGM that arrangements can be made for their registration. 

Ms. Trombely advised that since there is now a vacancy on the ECAAC membership, advertising for a new member would take place in coming weeks. Once applications are received, the County Council Striking Committee will review applicants and appoint a new member for the remainder of the term of Council. 

The next meeting of the ECAAC is scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

  • 5-2020
    Moved ByDebbie Alexander
    Seconded ByBrad Frenette

    That the February 13, 2020 meeting of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee be adjourned at 4:25 PM.

No Item Selected