Essex County Council Special Meeting Minutes

Official Plan Review Meeting - 6:00 PM
Online Attendance Only
  • Michael Akpata, Deputy Mayor - Town of LaSalle
  • Joe Bachetti, Deputy Warden / Deputy Mayor - Town of Tecumseh
  • Tracey Bailey, Mayor - Municipality of Lakeshore
  • Sherry Bondy, Mayor - Town of Essex
  • Kimberly DeYong, Deputy Mayor - Town of Kingsville
  • Chris Gibb, Deputy Mayor - Town of Amherstburg
  • Hilda MacDonald, Warden / Mayor - Municipality of Leamington
  • Crystal Meloche, Mayor - Town of LaSalle
  • Michael Prue, Mayor - Town of Amherstburg
  • Dennis Rogers, Mayor - Town of Kingsville
  • Rob Shepley, Deputy Mayor - Town of Essex
  • Larry Verbeke, Deputy Mayor - Municipality of Leamington
  • Kirk Walstedt, Deputy Mayor - Municipality of Lakeshore
  • Gary McNamara, Mayor - Town of Tecumseh
  • Mary Birch, Interim CAO & Director, Legislative and Community Services/Clerk
  • Allan Botham, Director, Infrastructure & Planning Services
  • Jayne Brooks Keller, Administrator - Sun Parlor Home
  • Adam Craig, CEO and Chief Librarian - Essex County Library
  • Kristie Cronin, Director of Human Resources
  • Katherine Hebert, Manager, Records and Accessibility/Deputy Clerk
  • Bruce Krauter, Chief, Essex Windsor Emergency Medical Services
  • Crystal Sylvestre, Administrative Assistant, Legislative and Community Services
  • Sandra Zwiers, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer
  • Rebecca Belanger, Manager of Planning Services

Warden MacDonald attended the meeting virtually from the Essex County Civic Centre, Council Chambers. All other members of Council participated in the meeting virtually, via video conferencing from alternate remote locations.

Gary McNamara was absent.

We begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Ojibway, Odawa and Potawatomie Peoples.

To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude to those whose territory you reside on, and a way of honouring the Indigenous people who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.

We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all the Original Peoples of Turtle Island.

There were no conflicts of pecuniary interest declared.

Warden MacDonald welcomed Council, Administration, delegates and the viewing public to the virtual meeting.  The Warden outlined that the purpose of the meeting was to hear from members of the public about what they would like to see included in the County’s Official Plan.

The Warden explained that the updated Official Plan would set out a long-term vision for how land and resources in Essex County will be managed for the next 30 years.

The Warden mentioned that it is projected the county’s population will grow by 70,000 residents over the next 30 years, which will impact the economy, land use and services. The Official Plan would guide that tremendous growth in positive ways to ensure that Essex County continued to be a great place to live, work and play.

The Warden reminded residents that there would be additional opportunities for the public to provide input about the comprehensive Official Plan review and thanked the delegates present at this meeting for their participation and interest in helping to update the County of Essex Official Plan.

Essex County Council held a statutory public meeting, pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended, for the purposes of discussing the proposed new Official Plan.

Opening remarks and introductions were provided by Rebecca Belanger, Manager, Planning Services.

Larry Silani, Official Plan Planning Advisor, Miller Silani, Planning Consultants, Mary-Lou Tanner, Principal Planner, NPG Planning Solutions, and Heather Sewell, Manager of Planning, NPG Planning Solutions were in attendance virtually to hear the presentations from residents.

Pre-registered, approved Delegations were provided up to five minutes to make their presentation.

  • 145-2023
    Moved ByChris Gibb
    Seconded ByLarry Verbeke

    That the delegations listed on the Official Plan Review Meeting Agenda for June 7, 2023 be permitted to address County Council.


Judy Robson provided a presentation regarding Section 3 - Land Use Policies in the hamlet area of Oldcastle.

Judy brought forward three areas of concern.  The first concern was to change the wording in the County Official Plan to reflect the wording of the Ontario Municipal Board Case for the purpose of encouraging housing on lands inside the settlement boundary. 

The second concern pertained to the manner in which municipalities are identified in the Official Plan, specifically regarding the use of the word ‘town’.

The third concern pertained to including goals and policies in the Official Plan regarding greenhouse farming for the cultivation of cannabis.

John Demarco provided a presentation regarding implementing a Greenbelt for Essex County to preserve forested areas and encourage the proliferation of ecosystems.

John suggested including a 5 year plan with natural restoration targets be included in the Official Plan.

Patricia McGorman, President, Canada South Land Trust, provided a presentation regarding Natural Land Preservation.

Patricia expressed concern for the loss of natural habitat and farm land. Patricia suggested that several areas within the 2014 Official Plan Table 3 pertaining to disallowing site alteration be maintained and strengthened.

Brenda Gagnier, resident, provided a presentation regarding item 2.11 pertaining to the location and height of buildings

Brenda encouraged the County to carefully consider the tools provided in the Provincial Policy Statement and consider wording pertaining to multi-storey building heights, setbacks and locations to allow each town to maintain their independence. 

Brenda further encouraged carefully considered wording to hold up against appeals to the Land tribunal.

Yang Yang, Property Manager, provided a presentation regarding a property located at 3210 Pike Rd., Amherstburg ON currently zoned Agricultural except for a narrow strip along Big Creek which is zoned Environmental Protection.

Yang proposed a wetland view bridge would be built by their company to the specifications of the Town of Amherstburg and ECRA.

Yang requested consideration for the property be included into the settlement area.

Matthew Thornton, and Elica Berry, Real North Strategies, provided a presentation on behalf of Windsor-Essex County Association of Realtors (WECAR) regarding housing supply and affordability in Essex County.

Elica pointed out that the Growth Analysis Report provided to the County in Phase 1 of the Official Plan review was written before a federal immigration announcement in November 2022. The announcement could increase the growth projections. Elica suggested to include mechanisms in the new Official Plan that require review and update of the growth patterns throughout its lifecycle to ensure it is responding to immigration rates.

Elica further suggested that the County prioritize medium density housing.  Elica highlighted that this style of housing is more affordable, requires a smaller ecological footprint and can be zoned inside existing communities.

April Ellis did not provide a presentation to Council on June 7, 2023.

Andrea Van Doorn, Van Doorn Farms Ltd, provided a presentation regarding a change in land use designation for part lot 286, Municipality of Lakeshore.

Andrea Van Doorn requested that the property be considered for inclusion into the primary settlement area and provide wastewater infrastructure to the area.

Rob Petro, Energy, Infrastructure & Environment Coordinator, Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers, provided a presentation regarding agriculture protection and sustainability.

Rob highlighted that greenhouse growing provides a higher yield per acre than field farming.

Rob encouraged municipalities to develop light pollution by-laws to address that greenhouse specific concern.

There were no pieces of correspondence to be considered a the June 7, 2023 Special meeting. 

Report number 2023-0607-IPS-R07-RB, Statutory Public Meeting Section 26(3) of the Planning Act, County of Essex Official Plan Review, dated June 7, 2023, from Rebecca Belanger, Manager, Planning Services 

Rebecca Belanger concluded the public meeting with thanks to the presenters for the information shared.

  • 146-2023
    Moved ByJoe Bachetti
    Seconded ByCrystal Meloche

    That Essex County Council receive this report and information provided by NPG Planning Solutions regarding Phases 2 and 3 of the County’s Official Plan review.

  • 147-2023
    Moved ByChris Gibb
    Seconded ByLarry Verbeke

    That the Essex County Council Special meeting for June 7, 2023 be adjourned at 6:58 PM.
