Ms. Mustac presented the report to provide information regarding speed limit reduction requests. She explained that requests for reduction were considered when received through resident petitions or local council requests. She further explained that County staff investigate areas of requested speed limit reductions using the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) guidelines. She advised that three requested locations reveiwed were:
- County Road 9 – 8th to County Road 7
- County Road 27 – CP Rail to County Road 42
- County Road 31 – County Road 34 to CR 20
She explained that the risk factors were evaluated and speed limit reductions were not supported in those areas.
She advised, however, that in a fourth location, an environmental assessment did support harmonizing the posted speed limits on County Road 20 between Kratz Sideroad and Sherk Street.
In response to a Council question regarding timing of the change, it was reported that a communication plan would be developed to ensure public notification of the change, prior to the speed limit signs being changed in the affected area.
In response to a concern raised by Mayor Snively regarding the speed limit on County Road 11 in the vicinity of the 4th Concession, Essex, Ms. Mustac indicated it would be included in the next review of that area. An additional speed limit concern on County Road 11 in the McGregor area was raised by Deputy Mayor Leo Meloche.
Deputy Mayor Bailey also questioned the process to have a review undertaken on harmonizing the various speed limits on County Road 46. Ms. Mustac advised that those types of reviews are undertaken during the Environmental Assessment process, conducted once every three years.