Essex County Council Regular Meeting Minutes

Meeting Time: Closed Meeting 6:15 P.M.; Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M.
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
360 Fairview Avenue West
Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6
519-776-6441, ext. 1335
  • Gary McNamara, Warden, Mayor, Town of Tecumseh
  • Joe Bachetti, Deputy Mayor, Town of Tecumseh
  • Tracey Bailey, Deputy Mayor, Town of Lakeshore
  • Tom Bain, Mayor, Town of Lakeshore
  • Marc Bondy, Mayor, Town of LaSalle
  • Mark Carrick, Alternate Councillor, Town of LaSalle
  • Aldo DiCarlo, Mayor, Town of Amherstburg
  • Hilda MacDonald, Mayor, Municipality of Leamington
  • Leo Meloche, Deputy Mayor, Town of Amherstburg
  • Richard Meloche, Deputy Mayor, Town of Essex
  • Nelson Santos, Deputy Warden, Mayor, Town of Kingsville
  • Gord Queen, Deputy Mayor, Town of Kingsville
  • Larry Snively, Mayor, Town of Essex
  • Larry Verbeke, Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Leamington
  • Crystal Meloche, Deputy Mayor, Town of LaSalle
  • Mary Birch, Director of Council & Community Services/Clerk
  • Jayne Brooks Keller, Administrator - Sun Parlor Home
  • Robin Greenall, CEO/Chief Librarian, Essex County Library
  • Bruce Krauter, Chief, Essex Windsor EMS
  • Rob Maisonville, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Greg Schlosser, Director Human Resources
  • Sandra Zwiers, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer
  • Renée Trombley, Manager Corporate Communications and Organizational Development
  • Katherine Hebert, Deputy Clerk
  • Danielle Dunlop, Council Services Administrative Assistant

A Closed meeting was scheduled for 6:15 PM. 

A Closed meeting took place at 6:15 PM. 

Aldo DiCarlo, Mayor, Town of Amherstburg joined the meeting at 6:17 PM.
Nelson Santos, Deputy Warden, Mayor, Town of Kingsville joined the meeting at 6:21 PM.
Jayne Brooks Keller, Administrator - Sun Parlor Home joined the meeting at 7:04 PM.
Robin Greenall, CEO/Chief Librarian, Essex County Library joined the meeting at 7:04 PM.
Bruce Krauter, Chief, Essex Windsor EMS joined the meeting at 7:04 PM.
Greg Schlosser, Director Human Resources joined the meeting at 7:04 PM.
Sandra Zwiers, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer joined the meeting at 7:04 PM.
  • 44-2020
    Moved ByLeo Meloche
    Seconded ByTom Bain

    That Council move into a closed meeting pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reason(s):

    • labour relations, and
    • advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
  • 47-2020
    Moved ByRichard Meloche
    Seconded ByNelson Santos

    That Council rise from the Closed meeting at 7:41 PM. 


Crystal Meloche was absent and it was noted that Town of LaSalle Councillor Mark Carrick was in attendance as the Alternate Member. All other members of Council were in attendance.

There were no conflicts of pecuniary interest declared.

  • 48-2020
    Moved ByJoe Bachetti
    Seconded ByMarc Bondy

    That the minutes of the March 4, 2020, Regular Meeting of Essex County Council be adopted as presented.


Warden McNamara welcomed the room and recognized the social distancing that was being practiced in the meeting.

Warden McNamara provided the following comments on COVID-19:

"These are extraordinary times we are experiencing in Windsor-Essex and governments of all levels are taking extraordinary steps to promote public health and stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We need to be patient, we need to be prudent, we need to be proactive and, above all, we need to remember this: We will get through this.

That simple message can get lost in the headlines in this rapidly evolving crisis, but it is a message we need to embrace as we practice social distancing and make individual sacrifices to promote the public good. We are resilient, we are resourceful and we will get through this. Together.

I want to thank the CAO and all County of Essex staff for their diligent response to this crisis. You are doing incredible work under incredible stress. I salute the nurses and staff at Sun Parlor Home and our paramedics with Essex-Windsor EMS. You are doing heroic work on the front lines and this community thanks you for it.

The County is working closely with our local municipalities, the city of Windsor, our hospitals and our public health and first responder agencies. Windsor-Essex residents are in good hands. We are all working around the clock with information that is changing by the hour to make decisions that best promote the health and well-being of Windsor-Essex residents.

There are so many unknowns and uncertainties when it comes to COVID-19. It’s frustrating and, quite frankly, a little unnerving. We’re all human and we all feel it whether we’re teachers, first responders, bartenders, grocery clerks, paramedics or parents wondering how we’re going to keep our children occupied during the school closure. Our best defense against that uncertainty is to focus on the things we can control.

We can control how we treat each other and we can control whether we phone a friend or family member to see if they need help or just a laugh and some friendly conversation. We can control our outlook and our attitude. We can stay positive. We can control the frequency of our hand washing and we can control our grocery shopping behavior. There is no need for anyone to hoard. Our supply chain is strong and the shelves of our grocery stores will remain stocked.

Above all, we can control our movements and our interactions. Health experts say we need to slow the spread of the virus and flatten the curve so that we do not overwhelm our health care system. And the best way to slow the spread is by practicing social distancing. That means avoiding crowds. That means avoiding unnecessary trips or errands. That means working from home if possible and it means staying at home as much as possible. If we can all do that, we can minimize the impact of COVID-19.

We all have a role to play and I have no doubt that the residents and businesses of Windsor-Essex will do their part and that we will get through this crisis together."

  • 49-2020
    Moved ByHilda MacDonald
    Seconded ByLarry Verbeke

    That the correspondence listed on the regular agenda for March 18, 2020, be received and any noted action approved. 


There were no resolutions for the consideration of Council for March 18, 2020.

  • 50-2020
    Moved ByNelson Santos
    Seconded ByTom Bain

    That the recommendations in the Administrative Reports listed as item 10.1, on the Consent Agenda for March 18, 2020, be approved.


Minutes of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee, dated February 13, 2020, Committee Member Gord Queen, Deputy Mayor - Town of Kingsville. 

  • 51-2020
    Moved ByGord Queen
    Seconded ByLarry Snively

    That the minutes of the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee, dated February 13, 2020, be approved.


Report Number 2020-0318-FIN-R004-SZ, dated March 18, 2020, from Sandra Zwiers, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer.

Ms. Zwiers presented the proposed revisions to the Fees and Charges by-law. Ms. Zwiers advised that the fees and charges were recommended at rates that recover costs up to a maximum of actual costs incurred in accordance with the Municipal Act.

  • 52-2020
    Moved ByTracey Bailey
    Seconded ByLeo Meloche

    That County Council adopt By-Law 2020-13, which establishes the fees and charges for the Corporation of the County of Essex for 2020.


Report Number 2020-0318-IS-R010-JM, dated March 18, 2020, from Jane Mustac, Director of Infrastructure Services/County Engineer.

Mr. Maisonville outlined the report and provided information regarding the request to formalize the Civic Centre Lease Agreement with the Essex County Library.

  • 53-2020
    Moved ByMarc Bondy
    Seconded ByAldo DiCarlo

    That County Council adopt By-law Number 2020-14 authorizing the execution of lease agreement with the Essex County Library Board.


Report 2020-0318-EMS-R001-BK from Bruce Krauter, Chief Essex-Windsor Emergency Medical Services, regarding the Replacement of Stryker Power Pro Stretchers. 

Chief Krauter outlined his report on the replacement of 40 Stryker Power Pro Stretchers, along with the purchase of the Stryker Preventative Maintenance program and the disposal of current inventory of stretchers. It was noted that 7 stretchers would be re-purposed throughout the community.

Chief Krauter provided information on the procurement procedure and bid amounts for the stretcher replacement and disposal.

He noted that the cost was approved in the County budget for 2020 and it was noted that the current quoted amount was lower than anticipated in the 2020 budget. He further noted that funds received from the disposal of the stretchers would go into equipment reserves.

  • 54-2020
    Moved ByLarry Snively
    Seconded ByRichard Meloche

    That Essex County Council authorize Essex Windsor EMS to:    

    1. Purchase of forty (40) Stryker Power Pro XT Stretchers at a cost of $909,920 (plus HST) from Physio Control, a division of Stryker.
    2. Purchase of Stryker Preventative Maintenance program for forty (40) stretchers at a cost of $58,548/annum (plus HST) from Physio Control, a division of Stryker.
    3. Disposal of thirty-three (33) used Stryker Power Pro XT stretchers to EMS Surplus Canada at a revenue of $132,000.

Report Number 2020-0318-FIN-R005-SZ, dated March 18, 2020, from Sandra Zwiers, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer. 

Ms. Zwiers summarized the existing purchasing thresholds that were outlined in the procurement policy. She further outlined the proposed changes to the policy in the event that there was an emergency and Council would not be available to meet for approvals. 

Ms. Zwiers noted that Administration would provide a report of any procurement approved under the proposed delegated authority provisions.  She further advised that the policy described the actions that would be taken during an emergency event, and allowed for direct sourcing and purchasing in instances that were not anticipated due to the current pandemic and that any incurred costs to the County during an emergency, would be tracked under separate accounts and would try to be recovered should funding become available. 

Mr. Maisonville advised Council that the County would have to activate or declare an emergency to recover COVID-19 costs. 

  • 55-2020
    Moved ByLarry Verbeke
    Seconded ByMarc Bondy

    That County Council approve the delegation of authority for procurements exceeding $300,000 to the CAO and Clerk during periods when County Council suspends its regular meetings for emergency reasons and

    That Administration be directed to bring forward a formal report of procurements approved under these delegation of authority provisions along with any mitigation decisions made during the period.


The Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee is requesting support for their concerns regarding Provincial Pilot Project for e-scooters. 

Mr. Queen provided comments on the correspondence from the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee. He noted that the ECAAC was concerned that e-Scooters create accessibility barriers and they were opposed to the Provincial Pilot Project.  He stated that the Chair had prepared the correspondence and the Committee was requesting that Council take into consideration their concerns and shared with each local municipality. 

  • 56-2020
    Moved ByGord Queen
    Seconded ByMarc Bondy

    That Essex County Council receive the correspondence from the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee regarding their concerns that accessibility barriers will be created by the Provincial Pilot Project for E-Scooters and that the correspondence be provided to Essex County local municipalities.


A Closed Meeting of Essex County Council was held at 6:15 p.m., prior to the regular Council meeting, pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.

Council was provided with legal advice subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Council was also provided with information related to labour relations matters and provided Administration with direction.

  • 57-2020
    Moved ByLeo Meloche
    Seconded ByNelson Santos

    That By-laws Number 2020-13 through By-law Number 2020-15, having been read a first, second and third time, be finally passed and enacted. 

  • 58-2020
    Moved ByTom Bain

    That the Essex County Council meeting for March 18, 2020 be adjourned at 8:15 PM.
